Future Classics

Sat 23 November, Utzon Room, Sydney Opera House

Australia’s Musical Trailblazers

Founded in 1995, Ensemble Offspring is led by percussionist Claire Edwardes OAM and comprises a core sextet line-up of some of Australia’s most virtuosic musicians.

With a huge commissioning track record
Ensemble Offspring is also deeply committed to supporting traditionally underrepresented voices and nurturing emerging, female-identifying, and First Nations artists.

Watch & Listen




  • “Ensemble Offspring has long and consistently done the heavy lifting for the Australian art music scene.”


  • “Their focus on under-represented musical voices, drawing inspiration from and collaborating with First Nations, female-identifying, and emerging artists has supported the blossoming of whole genres of chamber music in Australia.”


  • “Ensemble Offspring’s mission is not just honourable, but essential. In other words, they are not just doing the right thing, they are doing what is necessary for the survival of new music in Australia.”


  • “With music this good, we could mistakenly think we were in Manhattan, but thank all above it’s happening in our very own town."


  • "This is an ensemble of Australia’s finest musicians performing innovative, relevant and engaging new music that bursts with imagination, energy and inspiration."

    Seesaw Magazine

  • “It is a mark of their virtuosity and musicianship that the demands of the works do not detract from our enjoyment of this outstanding collection.”


  • “This is a concert that must be seen. Hearing it is not enough. It was full of play and colour and many incredible techniques…the whole concert was a blast and a half of colour, fun and musical ingenuity.”

    City News

  • “The masterful quality of their playing was superb and, while they were intently observing each other, they were obviously having fun.”

    Sydney Arts Guide

  • “Engaging varied and multigenerational audiences is unprecedentedly difficult, but Ensemble Offspring rise to the occasion.”


  • “The technical and expressive demands are devilish, handled expertly by seasoned musicians.”

    Sydney Morning Herald

  • “There is such musicianship on display in every single performance, combined with an integrity and devotion to the pieces being performed.”


  • “Sydney is so fortunate to have such a talented group of musicians utterly committed to contemporary music. They bravely tackle music that to mere mortals just seems absolutely daunting."

    Daniel Kaan ClassikON